Audio Relaxation Solutions

Sleeping tracks and audio relaxation packs which provide you the mind and body healing to help you sleep, concentrate or relax.

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What Is Sleeping Track?

We provide specially curated audio packs which provide you the helping hand that you need to promote mind and body healing. They are the perfect starting place for your daily meditations or for helping you to fall asleep and enjoy deep, restorative sleep that will make you feel more refreshed and able to face the day.

Seven Chakra Audio Tracks

Made up of 7 individual one to two hour audio tracks, this pack has everything that you need to find your inner calm, relax and sleep better. Each track contains frequencies for different chakras. Check out our audio demos below.

Perfect for yoga, calming activity, studying, awareness and alertness

Let go of guilt, deep meditation, sleep, rest and relax

Endorphin release + binaural beats, yoga, calming activity, studying, awareness and alertness

Yoga, calming activity, studying, awareness and alertness

Binaural beats, deep meditation, sleep, rest, relax

Intuition, connection to higher self

Yoga, calming activity, studying, awareness, alertness

What people says!

Very Cool!


“These Chakra meditation audio tracks are probably the single most important thing that I have discovered this year. I now feel more balanced and relaxed, even when I have stressful work deadlines to meet.”

Katie Fisher
Forest Hills

Very Cool!


“I had never heard of binaural beats before I tried this and was amazed to discover just how much they really helped me to relax and get back on track. They really work.”

Andrea Bentley

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